Charlotte Troy

CT Pocket

Film as a Subversive Art
Hijack Reality
Home Sweet Home
New Math
The Moon

 Talks & events 
Dispense and Connect
Inside the Industry
Memories Last Longer
  than Things
Print Matters



Q&A was initially published as a zine in 2006, dedicated to our cultural icons
of the past, present and future. Its aim was to investigate the psyche of those
individuals who shape our cultural and social landscape. And to entertain,
enlighten and inspire the reader.
 An experiment in simple magazine-making, using the Q&A formula as our
primary method of investigation, the paper features interviews with Terry Hall,
Susan Hiller, Amos Vogel and Peter Saville — you can read all the interviews,
now digitised, here. The paper also included work by Jocko Weyland who
created a series of short stories for us; Jon Link from Modern Toss who drew
portraits of the contributors; and artwork from Seb Patane. It was given away
for free through art institutions and quality bookshops such as the ICA and
Koenig Books, and on the tube and in the streets of London. I still have a
few left so if you want a copy please tweet me on @Charlotte_Troy.
 Following the publication the style of the sharp and fast interview exploded,
it suits our speedy minds and screen sized vision. The coming commonality
of the style of the interview put me off to be honest and I never produced
another issue. However, it continues to be one of the most valuable and
searched for pieces of content I own. More than this everyone enjoyed it,
the artists contributing, the readers engaging with the content and me as
an editor searching and hunting down those artists and individuals who I
feel have something to say in one way or another. With this in mind I think
it’s time to dust the cobwebs off the questionnaire and bring it back to life,
this time including my friends, Joe Public and the culturally Pop.

Q&A—Alexandra Shulman
Q&A—Amos Vogel
Q&A—Beverly Marsland
Q&A—Bob & Roberta Smith
Q&A—Cosey Fanni Tutti
Q&A—David Shrigley
Q&A—Elein Fleiss
Q&A—Hannah Perry
Q&A_Lucy Kumara Moore
Q&A—Maria Fusco
Q&A—Penny Martin
Q&A—Peter Saville
Q&A_Princess Julia
Q&A—Susan Hiller
Q&A—Terry Hall
Q&A—Thurston Moore